Children and Young People
We are delighted that Young Church will resume in its usual format on Sunday 10th October, which is our Harvest Festival at St Andrew's. Ahead of this there will be a breakfast get-together on Sunday 3rd October at 9am in the church room. Join us for coffee and pastries and an activity. We will also have the chance to share together about the future of Young Church. Please contact Fr Darren or Fr Luke if you are interested in coming along.
The flyer is here
You are welcome to join us at Young Church any Sunday morning. The children and young people process to the church room at the beginning of the service, having collected candles and a Bible from the altar. They return to the Parish Eucharist at the Peace.. Each session includes games and play activities, lots of interaction, and a craft activity tailored to both younger and older members of the group.
You might also be interested to find out more about Little Fishes, our toddler group which meets on Thursday mornings.